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Farming Master

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2 k downloads

Work in the field with these vehicles

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Farming Master is a fun and realistic driving and farming game in which players will have the opportunity to drive various farm tractors in order to fulfill a series of missions related to the cultivation of the field. of fulfilling all pending tasks on a farm.

The game system of Farming Master is as follows: we will start by driving a reaper tractor. On the stage, we will find a large yellow arrow indicating the place where we must direct the vehicle to accomplish the mission, which will consist of mowing a plot of land with wheat and take the product to another point on the map. With detailed graphics and in three dimensions, players will have to use the direction and speed controls to move the vehicle to its different mission points.

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Within Farming Master we will find multiple levels in which we will have to carry out all kinds of tasks, always related to the world of agriculture and the farm. In addition, we will gradually discover new vehicles.

Farming Master is a fun and realistic game with which to have a good time driving farm vehicles and managing our own land to make the most of their fields.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required

Information about Farming Master 1.0.6

Package Name com.baileyz.farmday
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Action/Adventure
Language English
45 more
Author TerranDroid
Downloads 1,972
Date Feb 2, 2024
Content Rating All ages
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.0.5 Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Sep 2, 2021

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